Gov't Agencies,International Organisations & NGO's
Selected Assignments: Gov’t Agencies and Organisations
Climate Change and Protection
- Decarbonisation, GHG Accounting and Carbon Market Training and Carbon Account Auditing; AGI; July 2024-ongoing
- Presentation of a paper on CAPCI in Ghana (2021-2024): Lessons & Way Forward at Webinar on Sustainable Chemistry and Climate Change: - Climate Action in the Production and Use of Chemicals – Approaches, Results and Lessons Learnt; Wednesday 14 February 2024, CAPCI, Germany
- Team Anchor: National Roadmap on Sustainable GHG Reduction from Chemicals Industry for Ghana (Project Number 9018.1-003.00/83440806) for the Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry (CAPCI), Germany and GIZ, Accra: October 2023 to February 2024, covering:
- The Chemical Industry & Climate Change
- The Chemical Industry in Ghana
- The Pathway to Net Zero: The International Context
- The Pathway to Net Zero: The National Context
- The Pathway to Net Zero: The Commitments
- Decarbonising the Chemical Industry
- Net Zero Transition as an Opportunity
- Net Zero Transition: The Way Forward
- Net Zero Transition: Policy Recommendations
- Validation Session with Stakeholders
- Team Member: Training & Workshop on Development of Sustainable Industrial Areas and Chemical Clusters, covering:
- Sustainable Industrial Areas (SIA) - Introduction & Definition of SIA-Performance
- Chemical Parks & Clusters – Cooperation as key success factor
- Chemical Parks and clusters as potential centres for innovation and GHG mitigation in the chemical and related industries
- Group Work 1: SWOT analysis
- Group work 2: ROAD MAP based on the SWOT Analysis
- Team Anchor: Training and Advisory Activities on Climate Protection for Chemical Industries in Ghana for The Climate Action Programme for the Chemical Industry (CAPCI), Germany, GIZ, and AGI Energy Centre: June-December 2023, covering:
- Survey of Companies in The Chemical Industry in Ghana
- GHG Emission Accounting & Abatement Training for The Chemical Industry
- Carrying out Energy Audits
- Carrying out Technical and Advisory Services on Resource-Material Use Efficiency Analysis
- Training Programme on Energy Audit and Efficient Resource/Material Use and Workshop on Road Maps for The Chemical Industry in Ghana
- Draft Report Presentation to Stakeholders
- Addressing Review Comments and Final Report Preparation and Presentation
Pre-feasibility Studies/Business Plans/Growth Programmes
- Team Members: Growth Programme for Juaben Oil Mills Limited, Juaben, near Kumasi, for ACET: October 2022-May 2023:
- Team Members: Growth Programme for 10 Medium Scale Processors, Africa Centre for Economic Transformation, June 2022-June 2023:
- Big Bond Roofing Systems-Female-Light Manufacturing-North Industrial Area, Accra
- Groital -Male-Agro Processing-Kokomlemle, Accra
- Homefoods Processing and Cannery -Female-Agro Processing-South Odorkor, Accra
- Maxtachem-Male-Cosmetics-North Industrial Area, Accra
- Melach Coconut Farms-Male-Agro Processing-Trede, Ashanti
- Nelplast Eco-Male-Recycling-Ashiaman, Accra
- Saliscom-Female-Agro Processing-Ablekuma, Accra
- Sky 3 Investments-Male-Agro Processing-Kintampo, Brong Ahafo
- Skylink Agro-Male-Agro Processing-Nkwanta, Oti
- Solar Taxi -Male-Light Manufacturing-Mamprobi, Accra, GAR
- Team Members. Coastal Development Authority (CODA) 5-Year Strategic Plan with extensive Baseline Surveys, Needs Assessments, Performance Assessment and Strategic Sessions, 2023
- Strategic Business Plan for Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa (FARA), Accra, August 2008
- Pre-Feasibility Study for The Hershey Group’s Project in Ghana, 2012
- Feasibility Study of Organic Compost, E – Waste, Ferrous Metals and Thin Film Plastics Value Chains in Accra for Youth Engagement in Service Delivery (YES) Program, CHF International, April-August 2010
- Elmina Salt Bank for Cooperative-Elmina Salt Producers Association (ESPA), and Nyanyano Salt Bank, for Cooperative-Nyanyano Salt Producers Association (NYASPA), under the Universal Salt Iodisation Partnership Program for GAIN & UNICEF, June-July 2010
Surveys/Baseline Surveys
- Study to Analyse the QPM Production Capacity and Value Chain in Ghana, for GAIN, UNICEF, Jan 2013
- Customers Impact Survey (Impact & Performance Assessment): for GRATIS Foundation/European Union, Dec 2002: Intermediate Technology Transfer:
- Pre- feasibility Study on a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) in Ghana for Debeocan S.L., Gran Canaria, Spain March 2010
- Study on identifying constraints preventing the wider use of Labour-Based Technologies (LBT) in infrastructure development in Ghana and recommending ways of accelerating the promotion of LBTs in the country for International Labour Organisation (ILO), Aug 2009
- Team Members: Food Safety Experts for the Mission on the Evaluation of Ghana Food Safety Action/Investment Plan by the World Bank, Dec 2007-Jan 2008
- Evaluation of the First Triennial Action Plan for ALive (African Livestock: Partnership for Livestock Development, Poverty Alleviation and Sustainable Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa), for ALive Secretariat-World Bank, Washington DC; September-October 2008
- Team Members: Baseline and Beneficiary/Stakeholders Survey for Environmental and Social Management Framework for REFAST/VIP-RICU/World Bank, Dec 2003: Project: Village Infrastructure Project, Rural Infrastructure Coordination Unit
- Team Members: Baseline and Beneficiary/Stakeholders Survey for Strategic Environmental Assessment for GIMPA/Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports/World Bank, Dec. 2003. Project: Educational Sector Project (EdSeP) in Ghana
- Baseline Feasibility Study of Socio-economic Environment in 6 Districts in Ashanti and Central Regions, and Stakeholder Analysis, forming COVE 3, Sika Starch Co. for Presidential Special Initiative Secretariat, Sept. 2003
- Baseline Feasibility Study of Socio-economic Environment in 6 Districts in Eastern Region, and Stakeholder Analysis, forming COVE 2, Eastern Starch Company (ESCo) for Presidential Special Initiative Secretariat, July 2003
MSME Development
- Coaching & Mentoring for Ashesi University’s Student Entrepreneurs (October 2016- 2017)
- Coaching & Mentoring for Technoserve’s ENGINE SMEs (September 2015-2017)
- Coaching & Mentoring for Green Innovators of the Ghana Climate Centre, Ghana (Feb-Apr 2015)
- Lectures at Methodist University’s Entrepreneurship Centre, 2015
- Lectures at GIMPA, once a Semester on How to Spot a Business Opportunity and on Blue Alliance’s Micro-marketing Concept, 2009
- Lectures at Methodist University’s Entrepreneurship Centre, 2015
- Agro-processing and Manufacture of Beauty Care Products and Cleaning Agents Skills to Communities in the catchment area of Newmont, Aug 2011 (Ntrotroso) and Sept 2011 (Kenyasi) for Newmont Gold Ghana Limited
- Micro-enterprise Development: Agro Processing, Cosmetics Skills, and Cleaning Agents Skills Training for the Public (from December 2005-to 2011, once a month)
- Agro Processing Skills Training for Women’s Group, Catholic Church, Obuasi, July 2007
- Agro Processing Skills Training for Women Groups (68 Beneficiaries) for Ministry of Women & Children’s Affairs, Accra, Jan 2006
- Agro Processing Skills Training for 142 Women Beneficiaries for Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs, Accra, Dec 2005
For the above training programme, each processing method for any given product involves With or Without Machinery Options:
- In the absence of machinery and tools option
- In the absence of major input option e.g. Without Yeast Culture
- Do-it-yourself Option: (Alternative technology Village Technology)
Technical & Management Support to SMEs
- Cosmetic Products Development: Solution Oasis, Jul 2010
- Product Development: Processing and Carrying out Sensory Tests on Flavoured Gari for Asarco Foods, Accra: Jun 2010
- Everfresh Enterprise, Dome, Accra from Nov 2009
- Product Development: Processing and Packaging Yam and Cocoyam Leaves for export market; for Icing Foods, Accra: Aug 2009
- Product Development: Processing Pepper Paste for local/export market. for Genevieve Ayiah, Accra: June 2009
- Layout Re-design for Sunharvest Juice Co. Lit., Pokuase. August 2007
- Technology Audit & Analysis of uninstalled Equipment for Sunripe Food Processing, Accra: Feb-March 2008
- Technology Audit & Analysis of Installed Equipment for Nsawam Cannery Products Co. Ltd., August 2002
- Technology Audit & Analysis of uninstalled Equipment for Nsawam Cannery Co. Ltd, Nsawam, Nov 1999
- Product Development and Design of Technological Processes in the Conversion of Pineapple Fruit Residues for First Catering Co. Ltd., Accra, July 2002
- Learning Centres (LCs) are intended to develop the capacity/skills of rural communities/enterprises to produce quality products for the market in order to generate employment and raise rural incomes. LCs empower the poor through acquisition of knowledge and skills, establishing processing units, and market outlets. LCs are organized around prospering small private enterprises that accept to train people willing to develop similar businesses. The LCs require expertise to improve packaging and labelling, market access, quality of products, marketing and pricing and value addition. To provide these services, Blue Alliance undertook Diagnostics of the LCs and provided training for over 100 Owners and Representatives of LCs under the following enterprise groups:
- Juice and Herbal Medicine Group
- Biscuit and Cassava Flour Group
- Mushroom Group
- Grasscutter Group
- Fish Farming Group
- Honey Group
- The Artist, Craft and Artisan Group
- Creams, Soap, Pomade, Shampoos, Bleach, etc. Group
Environmental Assessment & Management
- Resettlement Policy Framework for CBRDP/Min. of Local Government & Rural Development/World Bank: Feb 2004
- Environmental Social Management Plan on Village Infrastructure Project for Refast/World Bank: Jan’ 04
- Strategic Environmental Assessment of Educational Sector Project (EdSeP) in Ghana for GIMPA/ Ministry of Education/ World Bank: Dec 2003
- Social Environmental Investigation for Ghana Sea Ports Development’s Environmental Report, Tema Port for REFAST/JICA, March 2001
Food Safety Management
- Team members: Support to MDF Output 2 – Remote food inspection: Development of database and training of trainers of butcher association on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)/Good Hygienic Practices (GHPs) and data collection: FAO, Sept-Dec 2021
- Team members: Support Africa Women's Entrepreneur Program (AWEP) - Capacity development training of Ghana dairy processors on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Good Hygienic Practices (GHPs). FAO, Aug to Sept 2021
- Food Safety Management & Hygiene Training for Hotel & Restaurants Staff, Accra, for GTB, Sept 2016
- HACCP/Food Safety Management Training of Inspectors of Ghana Tourists Board, Accra, 2007-2010
- HACCP Training (based on ISO 22000) for the General Public, July 2009
- Food Safety Management & Personal Hygiene Training for Managers and Staff of over 220 Hotels and Restaurants: for GTB, Accra: Apr–Aug 2005
- HACCP based Food Safety Management Training for Hotel & Restaurants Owners for FAO/GTB 2007-2008
- Central Region, Cape Coast
- Western Region, Takoradi & Tarkwa
- Ashanti Region, Kumasi
- Greater Accra Region, Accra
- Food Safety Management & Personal Hygiene Training for Hotel & Restaurants Staff in Tema, for GTB., Aug-Oct 2007
- Food Safety Management & Personal Hygiene Training for Managers and Staff of hotels in Eastern Region: for Ghana Tourist Board, April 2006
- Study on Safety of Food in the Night Food Market in Accra for CePROBE and FAO. August 2009
- Team Member: Food Safety Experts for the Mission on the Evaluation of Ghana Food Safety Action/Investment Plan by the World Bank, Dec 2007-Jan 2008
- Mushroom Group
- Grasscutter Group
- Fish Farming Group
- Honey Group
- The Artist, Craft and Artisan Group
- Creams, Soap, Pomade, Shampoos, Bleach, etc. Group
Environmental Assessment & Management
- Resettlement Policy Framework for CBRDP/Min. of Local Government & Rural Development/World Bank: Feb 2004
- Environmental Social Management Plan on Village Infrastructure Project for Refast/World Bank: Jan’ 04
- Strategic Environmental Assessment of Educational Sector Project (EdSeP) in Ghana for GIMPA/ Ministry of Education/ World Bank: Dec 2003
- Social Environmental Investigation for Ghana Sea Ports Development’s Environmental Report, Tema Port for REFAST/JICA, March 2001
Food Safety Management
- Team members: Support to MDF Output 2 – Remote food inspection: Development of database and training of trainers of butcher association on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)/Good Hygienic Practices (GHPs) and data collection: FAO, Sept-Dec 2021
- Team members: Support Africa Women's Entrepreneur Program (AWEP) - Capacity development training of Ghana dairy processors on Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs) and Good Hygienic Practices (GHPs). FAO, Aug to Sept 2021
- Food Safety Management & Hygiene Training for Hotel & Restaurants Staff, Accra, for GTB, Sept 2016
- HACCP/Food Safety Management Training of Inspectors of Ghana Tourists Board, Accra, 2007-2010
- HACCP Training (based on ISO 22000) for the General Public, July 2009
- Food Safety Management & Personal Hygiene Training for Managers and Staff of over 220 Hotels and Restaurants: for GTB, Accra: Apr–Aug 2005
- HACCP based Food Safety Management Training for Hotel & Restaurants Owners for FAO/GTB 2007-2008
- Central Region, Cape Coast
- Western Region, Takoradi & Tarkwa
- Ashanti Region, Kumasi
- Greater Accra Region, Accra
- Food Safety Management & Personal Hygiene Training for Hotel & Restaurants Staff in Tema, for GTB., Aug-Oct 2007
- Food Safety Management & Personal Hygiene Training for Managers and Staff of hotels in Eastern Region: for Ghana Tourist Board, April 2006
- Study on Safety of Food in the Night Food Market in Accra for CePROBE and FAO. August 2009
- Team Member: Food Safety Experts for the Mission on the Evaluation of Ghana Food Safety Action/Investment Plan by the World Bank, Dec 2007-Jan 2008
- Book on Climate Change: Basics & Choices for Students, 2021
- Business Ideas for Everyone: Vol 1: Agriculture & General Manufacturing, 2020
- Business Ideas for Everyone: Vol 2: Cosmetics, Fashion & Crafts, 2020
- Business Ideas for Everyone: Vol 3: Commerce & Services, 2020
- Business Ideas for Everyone: Vol 4: Agro-processing, 2020
- They are found at www.michaelampehboateng.com
- Developing the Community Processing Centre Concept for the Republic of Guinea; Oct 2021. The concept involves young entrepreneurs not needing land, machinery, equipment, nor building to manufacture or process products for the markets, especially at the start of their entrepreneurship careers. It is a powerful Early Entrepreneurship Empowerment Tool
- Developing Clay Brick Road Concept, using Labour Based Technology (LBT) for Sierra Leone; Oct 2021. The concept has huge doses of Transfer of Technology. It involves inculcating Cash into the Communities, using Infrastructure Development as a major Tool. Anew approach has been developed using Plastic-Sand Bricks
- Developing Municipal Solid Waste Solution for Sierra Leone, working mainly with Youth Enterprises and Private Sector; Sept. 2021. This concept involves creating livelihoods for thousands of youth, treating waste as a commodity, putting in place enabling conditions for market forces to dictate the pace, with the polluter pays principle, and very little government involvement in terms of expenditure (cutting off government expenditure on Solid Wastes up to 80%)
- Developing Women’s Development Fund Concept for Sierra Leone/Guinea, Sept. 2021. This concept involves working with a host of rural and community backs to provide micro-financing to women in micro processing, trading and food vending, among others
- Book on Experiences and commercial potential for traditional and specialty food products in Africa: focus on PITO and PALMWINE in Ghana on basis of "One Village One Product" for FAO, Rome: April 2009-Feb 2010 (This assignment involved extensive data gathering and analysis
- Implementation Manual for the One-District-One Factory Project, 2017
- Agro-Processing Micro-Enterprise Development Project Concept for Young People and Women Groups, assisting them in forming their ideas, and planning their own micro agro-processing enterprises and receiving micro-equipment for the National Programme for Food Security, Federal Republic of Nigeria; November 2008
- Developing Community Processing Centre Concept for the National Programme for Food Security, Federal Republic of Nigeria; Nov 2008
- Developing Post Harvest Processing Centre Concept for the National Programme for Food Security, Federal Republic of Nigeria; Nov 2008
- Concept Paper for the Promotion of Seed Oil Processing and Marketing In Ghana: Establishing Seed Oil Producers Associations and Seed Oil Marketing Company (SOMC) for MLGRD, Accra, Nov 2005
- Re-development of Trainer’s Guide and Training Manual on Group Development and Micro Enterprise Management for CBRDP, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Oct/Nov 2005
- Concept Paper for Village Phone Project for Dialtone, May 2007
- Concept Paper on Hire Purchase of Mobile to Mobile Communication equipment for Women Groups in Ghana for MOWAC, Accra: July 2005
- Concept Paper for Moslem Women Development Fund, a Microfinance Scheme for MOWAC, Accra, June 2005
- Development of a Micro-finance Scheme for Church Members of Gospel Light International Church (GLIC), July 2003
- Team Member: Concept Paper development for the Implementation of Women Development Fund-Japanese Fund (Micro-Finance Scheme) for JICA/Ministry of Women and Children’s Affairs, August-November 2002
- Youth Empowerment & Livelihood Concepts
- Social Enterprise Mushroom Project
- Social Enterprise Animal Farming Project
- Social Enterprise Eggs Project (Employing Pullets)
- Social Enterprise Stevia Project
- Social Enterprise Essential Oils Project (Farming of Plant Materials)
- Social Enterprise Sunflower Oil Projecting Project
- Social Enterprise Shrimps & Prawns Project
- Social Enterprise Municipal Solid Wastes (MSW) Project
- Micro-Factories Development
- Community Processing Centres
- Addressing Noise Nuisance: Employment of 1000s of Young People in Issuing Noise Permits
- Addressing Pollution: Employment of 1000s of Young People in Issuing Fines for Rubbish Dumping and Burning
- Addressing Traffic Indiscipline: Employment of 1000s of Young People in Control of Traffic Infractions
- Social Enterprise Pod Agricultural System
- Climatic and Pollution Data Mapping & Solutions: Employment of 1000s of Youth in gathering & analysing data